1000 Bites of Bread

Hello and welcome to the PDX Whole Grain Baker's Grain Exchange.

I'll send out an email on the second Wednesday of the month to remind you to place orders, and I'll attach the wholesale catalogues that we're ordering from. Orders will be due the following Wednesday night. When the wholesale orders are complete the following week, I'll reach out to you with an invoice, and we can arrange pick-up. There is a group fee of $5 that covers extra costs, but other than that everything is wholesale.

Last, but not least, I always have a rotation of grains, flours, and beans by the pound. You are welcome to order those anytime throughout the month.

Please reach out with any questions, and I hope to see you in person soon! The idea before Covid was a meeting once a month to pick up grains, bring your own containers, and use my mill, if needed. Hopefully, we'll get back to that one of these days.

In the meantime, all my best,
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